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Community Engagement
Sharing God’s love, making disciples, and inviting others to be a part of our church family at Grace are all goals of the outreach and community ministries at Grace. Through our community and outreach ministries, our congregation reaches out beyond our own doors to share the Good News and support and serve our neighbors in the name of Jesus Christ.

Backpack Ministry
Grace’s Backpack Ministry serves students in need at Prosperity-Rikard Elementary. Non-perishable, kid-friendly foods are collected in the red wagon located in the narthex during the school year. Volunteers help to pack and deliver these bags to the school each week for distribution to the students who benefit from this ministry.

Manna House

Grace has an ongoing collection for Manna House Food Pantry in Newberry, with an item of the month program. Members Wayne and Sue Mitchell stock shelves at Manna House and regularly take Grace’s collected items there, and Sue serves as treasurer for the organization. Member Andrea Lewis serves as vice president. Grace members also volunteer at Manna House several times a year, packing and distributing food and Bibles.
Community Thanksgiving Meal
Grace has a Community Thanksgiving Meal each year. In recent years, rather than a traditional meal, this has taken the form of distributing Thanksgiving Meal bags of Thanksgiving meal fixings to members of our community on a Sunday afternoon, with volunteers gathering on the Saturday before to assemble the bags. We have been able to give this special Thanksgiving blessing to our community since 2009.

Game Day Meal for the MCHS Football Team
For several years now, Grace has been one of the churches in the community to host and provide a meal for the Mid-Carolina High School football team before one of their football games. Members contribute to the meal and come out to help serve and show the church’s support to these young men and their coaching staff.

Vacation Bible School

A community Vacation Bible School is held each year. Classes are offered for preschool and elementary ages. Volunteers ranging from middle schoolers to adults spend the week serving as leaders and helpers for the various classes and activity stations.
Bible stories, crafts, recreation time, and music provide opportunities for growth in faith for all in attendance.
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