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Giving Financially

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Many opportunities exist for giving financially to Grace Lutheran Church, including the list of funds and groups found below. Envelopes for specific funds and groups are located in the pews and in the narthex. For memorials or honorariums, please designate on the check and/or on the envelope in whose memory or honor the donation is being made. An online giving option is also available.

Current and Benevolence Fund

Also known as the ministry budget or “regular” offering, this includes not only staff salaries, electricity, and insurance, but also social ministry, evangelism, benevolence, Christian Education, and other ministries, all directed toward making a difference in people’s lives.

Youth Ministry Fund

Gifts support the projects and learning and fellowship opportunities of Grace’s Youth Ministry.

Bereavement Meal Fund

This fund provides a catered meal to the bereaved family of a congregation member upon their death.

Wicker Campership Fund

The goal of the Campership Fund is to make sure that no young person at Grace misses the life-changing experience of Christian camp or day camp due to the cost. The Wicker Campership Fund offers camp scholarships to all baptized Grace youth attending Lutheridge/Lutherock in North Carolina or Lutheroad Day Camp in Newberry County.

Sunday School Fund

Donations go toward purchasing supplies to further the mission of the Sunday School program to nurture faith in children and youth and to encourage lifelong learning among adults.

Maintenance Fund

This fund provides for routine maintenance and improvements to Grace facilities.

Community Service Fund

Through this fund, Grace congregation provides help to families and individuals in our community and congregation in times of crisis or tragedy. This fund also retains donations for the Backpack Ministry for Prosperity-Rikard Elementary and the annual Community Thanksgiving Meal.

Scholarship Fund

Since its inception in 1997, the Bedenbaugh-Chariker Scholarship Fund has provided scholarships for active Grace members enrolled in a post-high school degree program. Scholarship applications invite students to reflect upon God’s calling and work in their lives.

Grace Christian Schools Fund

This account provides financial support for Grace Christian Preschool, which offers a Christian environment for the first educational experience of 2-, 3-, and 4-year-olds.

Parsonage Fund

While a new roof was installed on the parsonage in 2020, there is more work to be done for it to be used for any purpose. Donations to this fund are for future repairs and improvements.

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